Thursday, November 3, 2011

This Month's "Letters From the Soul" Newsletter Column

"Truth Attracts by Its Own Splendor"

Dear Church,

I have taken to heart the belief that I was called here in part to help this Christian community grow in numbers as well as in spirit. It is both a practical necessity and a Biblical imperative for a church to make disciples. And we will be adding and trying a lot of new, different, and hopefully exciting things in our creation and nurturing of 21st century disciples here in Longview—new programs are being added every month to provide fellowship in Bible study, music, even television and film. The earliest apostles made use of whatever they could to spread the Gospel—word of mouth, the written word, and in the case of leaders like Paul, traveling the world over to preach and to teach. May we do likewise in using our creative energy to find new and exciting ways to offer the Gospel to our neighbors!

And in doing so, remember as well that we must not lose sight of the fundamental truth upon which I have to think the entire Church was created—that God loves us without abandon and without condition. The single best way we can communicate that truth is by in turn unconditionally loving every single person who comes through our gothic sanctuary doors because, quite simply, truth attracts by its own splendor. Seeing that truth in action is as attractive as any other form of evangelism that I know of, simply because of its authenticity.

I know far too many people, especially my age, who have felt deeply hurt and wounded by organized Christianity in the past, because what passed for sacred truth in their churches was the belief that God didn’t love them as they were. No more. It is not enough to allow someone in and to tolerate their presence, or to give them permission to stay. The church exists to allow someone to grow and evolve. May our offering of the Gospel to the community do exactly that.

Yours in Christ,

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