Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Letters from the Soul: This Month's Newsletter Column

“My New Year’s Resolu—Never Mind.”

Dear Church,

I have to be honest with you—I haven’t made a New Year’s resolution for at least a decade. Some of the football fans in our church will say that it is because as a Kansas City Chiefs fan, I already have one endless cycle of failure in my life, so why add a second? As tempting as it is to stick to that answer, that really isn’t it.

Do any of you remember that ending scene from the movie “When Harry Met Sally,” when Billy Crystal’s character explains that when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone that you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible? I have always felt like New Year’s resolutions were kind of the same way—once you realize you want to spend the rest of your life trying to do something—live healthier, give away more, be more forgiving—that you should want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible, rather than waiting until January 1 to begin trying on your new lifestyle.

So if you have indeed made a New Year’s resolution this year—congratulations! I pray that it will make your life better and more fulfilling. I also humbly ask that you add this onto your New Year’s resolution—to, when you feel called to make a positive change in your life, to not wait to make it a resolution. God calls us to act in the here and now to make our lives, and the world, a better place. Let us do so with faith in Him as we begin a new year together as a church.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Eric

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