Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Letters from the Soul: This Month's Newsletter Column

"From Darkness Into Light"

Dear Church,

I’ll be honest—I don’t think I’m emotionally ready for 2013.

It isn’t because I don’t want to be—I’m quite ready to say good riddance to how 2012 turned out.  Between our break-in and the shootings in Clackamas, Oregon and Newtown, Connecticut, December 2012 was one of the darkest months of my life.

But I’m still working on the moving on part.  There are no New Year’s Resolutions.  There is no new diet.  I’m still working on processing and remembering 2012, both the good and the bad.

Because truly, there was plenty of good, too—we had baptisms, weddings, birthday celebrations, and more as our church grew in both size and spirit last year.  Even after the break-in, I was humbled and heartened by how quickly so many of you stepped forward to help us restore our historic building.  To all of you who volunteered as a part of that effort, thank you.

I think what I regret in my case is allowing the good to be lost in, and overshadowed by, the bad. It’s something that Scripture always cautions me against.  It reminds me that there is light in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it (John 1:5).  But just like you, I sometimes have to remind myself just how bright and lovely the light of God really is.

So, that’s my hope for 2013—for a brighter light shining in whatever darkness is in my life, and in your lives, than perhaps what existed when 2012 ended.

After all, God is still here.  We just have to keep the hurts and pains of the world from interfering with our ability to see and search for Him and for His love, which is for each of us.

I wish all of you a blessed, safe, and happy 2013!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Eric

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